Tuesday – Open 5-10. SINGO, it’s Bingo, but with songs.
Wednesday – Open 5-10. Caleb King 7-10.
Multi genre artist with a heavy leaning towards classic country and Singer/Songwriter style. His influences are as varied as his songwriting. From Townes Van Zandt to Van Morrison , John Lee Hooker to Hank Williams. What he shares most of all with his heroes is that he is a tried and true storyteller. Whether it be his own stories of hard living or stories he has acquired along the way. He tells these stories in a honest sometimes haunting way that draws you the listener into that world for a short time.
Thursday – Open 5-10. Corey Hall 7-10.
Corey was born and raised in Florida. Folk and Blues music was played around him from a very young age. It now resonates through him as an artist and a musician. Quarterfinalist of International Blues Challenge 2024.
Friday – Open 5-10. High Beams 7-10.
Highbeams are a trio of brothers that play emotive, high energy Folk Rock. Since their first show on New Years Eve 2012, the band has captured audiences all over the Southeast with their warm, personable stage presence and rich three-part harmonies. Highbeams have traveled all over the U.S. performing hundreds of shows every year; including opening slots for acts like Vertical Horizon, Chase Bryant, Col Bruce Hampton, and the Grammy nominated duo, Brothers Osborne.
Saturday – Open 5-10. Roni Worcester 7-10.
String Queen Roni is a cellist and singer-songwriter who uses a loop pedal, allowing her to sound like multiple musicians at once, creating a one-woman band that might make your eyes water or your ears drool. Genres include: Everything! Some crowd favorites are Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, Walk Like An Egyptian by The Bangles, and a Seven Nation Army by White Stripes mashup with Sweet Dreams, Hit the Road Jack, and Sixteen Tons.
Sunday – Closed.
“The Kitchen”, our food trailer will be open this week, 5-9 on nights we are open.
Coming up:
Tuesday April 9 – John Ford
Wednesday April 10 – Matt Law
Thursday April 11 – Martin Lane
Friday April 12 – Hallie Long
Saturday April 13 – Closed for Private Event
Sunday April 14 – Closed